Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Travel Log - Star date 20080112

This week, all the trainers came into the corporate mothership for a meeting. I played chauffeur and dinner host when we weren't meeting to learn how to help our store teams perform at an even higher level.

A little more football (Yay - LSU; Sad - beloved Buccaneers)

Plane, train or automobile: Lot's o' shuttle duty in the Exploder

Mission: Win at go karts! We had an activity night at a local go kart track. I actually won two races and held the fastest lap time of the night until the very end when a trainer with a 60 pound weight advantage managed to get my car.

Number of human interactions: 30 just in the department, 4 with VP and above level.

State(s) visited: Virginny

City visited: Roanoke - the Star City of the South

Interesting fact about this city: Learn about the Star.

Halpert says: I thought you said you traveled a lot?!?!?!?!

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2007 Travel Destinations