Tuesday, August 19, 2008

15 Years of Wedded Bliss

The Travel Wife and I celebrated 15 years of marriage on August 14th and decided to host a pool party / bbq with friends. We ended up with about 30 people hanging out on the back deck watching the Travel Kids and friends frolic in the pool while I worked the grill for about 3 hours straight. No one left hungry!

Travel Wife and I made it through 15 years for several reasons:
  • I am good at starting something and she is good at finishing something. So I get us going and just about the time I am ready to call it quits, she pushes us to the finish.
  • We both learned early on in our marriage that you should edify your spouse - especially to other people. When I worked in a store, the cashiers loved the fact that when my wife called I always said "Hi, Gorgeous". I still call her that to this day. Christmas time is a great time to work in my department because Travel Wife goes into "super baking mode" which means cookies and brownies almost daily for my coworkers. I tell people that my wife is like Michael Jordan (only not bald, or black, or particularly skilled at basketball) - just an all around awesome wife. I tell them that when in "super baking mode", she is like Michael Jordan in the playoffs - a seemingly impossible increase in greatness and ability.
  • We enjoy the same TV shows, movies, books, etc. There is no "I want to watch my show..." fight - we just have to decide if we want to watch House, Chuck, Heroes, CSI, The Office, Sarah Connor Chronicles or Magic basketball.
  • We share our money. None of this "my money pays for this, and your money pays for that" crap. Even though I have always supplied most of the income (and all of it for several years), we have always paid for everything out of one account. What's ours is ours.
  • We don't use the D-word - divorce. We never use that as a threat to manipulate the other. It's not on the table.
  • We have a strong faith. We study our faith and learn from each other all the time. I pray every day that God will help me be the husband she needs to follow His plan for her life.
  • We just like being around each other. Some times, it's just sitting next to each other while we read and other times it takes a conscious effort to engage in that "hard" conversation about money or health or other life issues.

She has a blog where you can see actual photos from the ceremony. You will also learn more about my "Clark Kent" persona - who I am when I am not traveling the United States.

Now I have to get to work on the next 15 years....


Christine the Soccer Mom said...

Hey, I have mad basketball skillz!

Anonymous said...

Will that is very inspiring article you share. You're right once you get married everything should be share as one. Thank you very much for sharing it. I am sure a lot of married readers will learn from it, to make marriage last.
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