Monday, August 4, 2008

Travel Log - Star date 20080803 - South Dakota

Plane, train or automobile: Unfortunately, I did not get to fly SkyHigh Airlines (we really need to get them signed up as the corporate airline). I flew Delta back up to Minneapolis and spent some time with my mom, cousins and grandparents.

Mission: Visit the family. My mom remembers almost everything that people ever say and she remembered part of a comment I had made two years ago when I visited by myself. I mentioned that I didn't draw a big crowd without the Travel Kids back then, so she made sure that I had plenty of adoring fans on this trip. My aunt and uncle, two of my cousins and their husbands (and kids!) were at my mom's house for Friday Night Pizza - on Saturday night.

We then went to see my grandparents on Sunday - they are both over 90 years old and still feisty! They had gone to a wedding the day before, at which my grandfather claims to have gotten a bruise on his hand from fighting off the girls. I hope that I can have that much fun 50 years from now!

Speaking of family, Travel Wife and I decided not to attend her cousin's wedding in September; mainly because they don't want any children present at the wedding. Travel Wife got the invitation with hotel information for New York City - the nuptial location. The cheapest hotel was $279 a night! Contrast this with my family in South Dakota - as my mom was discussing visiting the grandparents, she said that we would leave the Springs about 3 p.m. and my uncle and cousins all said "You can have dinner at Ruby Tuesdays in Mitchell!". When we arrived at my grandparents, we confirmed our departure time and my grandmother exclaimed "You can have dinner at Ruby Tuesdays in Mitchell!" My family treated that restaurant the same way I would treat Disney World, the Eiffel Tower or the Grand Canyon!

Number of human interactions: 11

State(s) visited: MN, SD

City visited:
Yankton and Wessington Springs. My mom lives in Yankton and absolutely loves it there. My grandparents live in "the Springs". Check out the population on the Wessington Springs page

Interesting fact about this city:
Anne Hathaway House and Shakespeare Gardens. My grandparents put a lot of time and effort as volunteers over the years making the Gardens what they are today. As recently as last year, my grandmother was still on the payroll.

Halpert says: Shakespeare... in South Dakota???

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2007 Travel Destinations